Questions about Shavuot.


LeIluy Nishmat Sonya bat Yisroel.


1. What does the word "Shavuot" mean?

2. What other names have this holiday?

3. Is there any connection between the word "Shavuot" and its homonym "Sh'vuot" (oaths)?

4. How many times does the Torah mention the name of the holiday as “Shavuot”?

5. In our day the first day of Shavuot always falls on the 6th of Sivan. When else could the day of Shavuot fall?

6. If a person travels around the world after Pesach, when he should celebrate Shavuot?

7. In the description of the sacrifices in Mussaf of Shavuot the word "sin offering" is not mentioned (see. Bamidbar 28:30). Why is that?

8. On Shavuot two loaves of chametz break were brought to the Temple. What was their meaning and what was done with them?

9. What is certain known contradiction between the Zohar and the Talmud with respect to these breads?

10. What is the earliest source of custom not to sleep on Shavuot?

11. Why do we eat dairy on Shavuot? What is the earliest source of this custom?

12. What lenience is brought with regards to eating dairy on Shavuot in some early authorities? (The later sages did not agree with this leniency and today it is not practiced).

13. Some sidurim during Mussaf of Shavuot two goats for sin offering are mentioned, rather than one as in the other holidays. Why is that?

14. What is the basis of tradition that it was on Shavuot that our people heard "Aseret Hadibrot" at Sinai?

15. "Aseret Hadibrot" literally translates as “Ten Sayings”, but are called "The Ten Commandments". How many actual Commandments are there in "Aseret Hadibrot"?

16. And how does the Torah call “Aseret Hadibrot”?

17. When "Aseret Hadibrot" are being read it’s customary in most communities to stand up, but there are rabbis who are against this custom. Why is that?

18. There are two different ways to read "Aseret Adibrot." What are they based on?

19. What are the haftoras we read in the two days of Shavuot and why?

20. Why is customary to read the Megillat Ruth on Shavuot?

21. Why is Yizkor said on the second day of Shavuot (as well as the last day of Pesach and Shemini Atzeret)?

22. Why do we decorate the room with flowers on Shavuot? What is the earliest source of this custom?

23. Why the day after Shavuot we don’t say Tachanun?

24. In many communities it’s customary not say Tachanun for six days after Shavuot. Why is that?

